OpenCanvas - LiveFlow: Cloud Native Workflow
An open enterprise solution for cloud native business processes and workflows

Enterprises prefer to employ process and workflow based business solutions at cloud scale.

Typical workflow and business process management solutions are centralized monolithic systems that suffer from exponential growth in complexity. They are limited in agility and scalability.

Microservices architectures have become increasingly popular in recent years. Focused, cross-functional teams can deliver value quickly and independently while working with a technology stack of their choice. However there are significant challenges in managing business processes as micro-services.

Current BPM platforms are monolithic and centralized. Cloud scale requires decentralized, self-service, scalable and resilient solutions.


Cloud native BPM solutions deployed on hybrid cloud that can deploy processes and workflow as a micro services will power the new digital and connected, enterprise. Digital enterprise lives is connected with its ecosystem and instantly responds to the market demands.


We believe the future of workflows and business processes will be cloud native. The solutions will be based on open technologies and microservices.

  • Containerised and scalable BPMN, BPRMS services based on popular OSS and commercial engines
  • Ability to manage lifecycle of every process as a microservice
  • Manage worklows, UI flows, and business processes across micro services
  • Ability to implement workflows and services in any/multiple programming language
  • Support for Kubernetes
  • Extensible security, discovery and orchestration
  • Declerative API and Data

We are the cloud native DevOps experts. We offer the unique blend of cloud native solutions, infrastructures operations as well as business process management and workflows.

We build and support what we offer and use in many high profile enterprise projects.

  • High throughput, low latency, and horizontal scalability
  • Ability to create, deploy, start, stop processes and work flows without interruption and impact on running systems
  • Individually scale and manage every workflow
  • Best of breed visual modeling and development tools
  • Our solutions are deployed and in use across 6 different verticals, 50 international customers and hundreds of projects
  • We are involved in open source from day one